What is a Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

In Chapter 13, some debts may be repaid in an affordable manner. Chapter 13 allows you to modify some loan agreements and even eliminate significant portions of unsecured debt. Chapter 13 allows for the repayment of only what an individual or family can reasonably afford. If your home is in foreclosure a Chapter 13 will stop the foreclosure immediately. You will be provided the opportunity to get caught up on your mortgage payments over a three to five-year period, with reasonable monthly payments. Chapter 13 protects your car from repossession and may also reduce the amount you owe. Even if your car has already been repossessed, your car lender may be ordered to return the car to you if you act quickly. Chapter 13 also stops garnishments, tax levies, and lawsuits. Back income taxes can be paid through Chapter 13 without further interest or penalty and in many cases less than the full amount of the taxes must be repaid. Some back property taxes can also be put into your payment plan.

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T.R. Weaver has practiced law since 2003. She is licensed in Washington State, and admitted to practice law in the United States Federal Courts to assist with the representation of individuals with Immigration challenges. She has been an adjunct professor at various Community Colleges in their Criminal Justice and Paralegal Programs. Ms. Weaver is available for speaking engagements, workshops and seminars.

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