How does an individual obtain an “Exchange Visitor” J-1 visa?

A wide variety of organizations and educational institutions may qualify to sponsor persons as exchange visitors on the J-1 visa. There are many different types of J-1 programs. These include: students, professors and research scholars, physicians, teachers, trainees, au pairs, and summer student workers. Persons with skills listed on the Exchange Visitors’ Skills list, and those participating in government-funded programs or graduate medical training must comply with a two-year, home-residency requirement before they are eligible to change status in the U.S. or obtain an H1B, L-1, or Permanent Resident status. Waivers of the two-year, home residency requirement are available in certain circumstances.

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T.R. Weaver has practiced law since 2003. She is licensed in Washington State, and admitted to practice law in the United States Federal Courts to assist with the representation of individuals with Immigration challenges. She has been an adjunct professor at various Community Colleges in their Criminal Justice and Paralegal Programs. Ms. Weaver is available for speaking engagements, workshops and seminars.

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