Do I have to go to court?

Yes. All filers must attend a hearing that occurs approximately 30 to 45 days after the case is filed. However, it is nothing to be nervous about. It does not take place in a traditional “courtroom” and there is no judge present. The hearings normally are held in office building cubicles or other offices. In virtually all Chapter 7 cases this is the only appearance that must be attended and in many Chapter 13 cases there are also no other appearances needed.

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T.R. Weaver has practiced law since 2003. She is licensed in Washington State, and admitted to practice law in the United States Federal Courts to assist with the representation of individuals with Immigration challenges. She has been an adjunct professor at various Community Colleges in their Criminal Justice and Paralegal Programs. Ms. Weaver is available for speaking engagements, workshops and seminars.

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